Source code for h5py_wrapper.wrapper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Core functionality

import ast
import collections
from future.builtins import str
import h5py
import numpy as np
import os
import re
from subprocess import call
import warnings

from . import lib

# deprecation warnings are printed to sys.stdout
warnings.simplefilter('default', category=DeprecationWarning)

# check whether quantities is available
    import quantities as pq
    quantities_found = True
except ImportError:
    quantities_found = False

# make sure correct h5py version is available
h5py_version = h5py.version.version_tuple
h5py_version_int = int('{}{}{}'.format(h5py_version.major,
if h5py_version_int < 231:
    raise ImportError("Using h5py version {version}. Version must "
                      "be >= 2.3.1".format(version=h5py.version.version))

[docs]def save(filename, d, write_mode='a', overwrite_dataset=False, resize=False, path=None, dict_label='', compression=None): """ Save a dictionary to an hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- filename : string The file name of the hdf5 file. d : dict The dictionary to be stored. write_mode : {'a', 'w'}, optional Analog to normal file handling in python. Defaults to 'a'. overwrite_dataset : bool, optional Whether datasets should be overwritten if already existing. Defaults to False. resize : bool, optional If True, the hdf5 file is resized after writing all data, may reduce file size. Uses h5repack (see Caution: slows down writing. Defaults to False. path : string, optional If not empty, the dictionary is stored under the given path in the hdf5 file, with levels separated by '/'. For instance, path='test/trial/spiketrains'. Defaults to None. compression : {'gzip', 'szip','lzf', 0,...,10}, optional Compression strategy to reduce file size. An integer >0, <=10 leads to usage of gzip,indicating the level of compression. 'gzip' is recommended. See for details. Caution: This slows down writing and loading of data. Attention: Will be ignored for scalar data. Returns ------- None Examples -------- >>> d = {} >>> d['a'] = {'a1': [1, 2, 3], 'a2': 4., 'a3': {'a31': 'Test'}} >>> d['b'] = 'string' >>> import h5py_wrapper as h5w >>>'example.h5', d) """ try: f = h5py.File(filename, write_mode) except IOError: raise IOError("unable to create {filename} (File " "accessability: Unable to open " "file)".format(filename=filename)) else: try: if dict_label: warnings.warn("Deprecated argument dict_label provided. " "dict_label will be removed in the next release. " "Please use path instead.", DeprecationWarning) if path is not None: raise ValueError("dict_label and path must not " "be defined simultaneously.") path = dict_label if path: base = f.require_group(path) _dict_to_h5(f, d, overwrite_dataset, parent_group=base, compression=compression) else: _dict_to_h5(f, d, overwrite_dataset, compression=compression) finally: # make sure file is closed even if an exception is raised fname = f.filename f.close() if overwrite_dataset is True and resize is True: call(['h5repack', '-i', fname, '-o', fname + '_repack']) call(['mv', fname + '_repack', fname])
[docs]def load(filename, path='', lazy=False): """ Loads a dictionary from an hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- filename : string The file name of the hdf5 file. path : string, optional If not empty, specifies a path to access deeper levels in the hdf5 file. lazy : boolean, optional If True, only keys from all levels of the dictionary are loaded with values. Defaults to False. Returns ------- dictionary : dict Dictionary from the hdf5 file. Examples -------- >>> d = {} >>> d['a'] = {'a1': [1, 2, 3], 'a2': 4., 'a3': {'a31': 'Test'}} >>> d['b'] = 'string' >>> import h5py_wrapper as h5w >>>'example_load.h5', d, overwrite_dataset=True) >>> h5w.load('example_load.h5') {u'a': {u'a1': array([1, 2, 3]), u'a3': {u'a31': 'Test'}, u'a2': 4.0}, u'b': 'string'} """ try: f = h5py.File(filename, 'r') except IOError: raise IOError("unable to open {filename} (File accessability: " "Unable to open file)".format(filename=filename)) else: try: if not path: obj = f else: try: obj = f[path] except KeyError: raise KeyError("unable to open {filename}/{path} " "(Key accessability: Unable to access " "key)".format(filename=filename, path=path)) _, d = _dict_from_h5(obj, lazy=lazy) finally: f.close() return d
# ______________________________________________________________________________ # Auxiliary functions def _dict_to_h5(f, d, overwrite_dataset, compression=None, parent_group=None): """ Recursively adds the dictionary to the hdf5 file f. """ if parent_group is None: parent_group = f.parent for key, value in d.items(): if isinstance(value, collections.MutableMapping): group_name = os.path.join(, str(key)) group = f.require_group(group_name) _dict_to_h5(f, value, overwrite_dataset, parent_group=group, compression=compression) # explicitly store type of key group.attrs['_key_type'] = type(key).__name__ else: if str(key) not in parent_group: _create_dataset(parent_group, key, value, compression=compression) else: if overwrite_dataset is True: del parent_group[str(key)] _create_dataset(parent_group, key, value, compression=compression) else: raise KeyError("Dataset {key} already " "exists.".format(key=os.path.join(, key))) def _create_dataset(parent_group, key, value, compression=None): """ Creates the dataset in parent_group. """ if value is None: # h5py cannot store NoneType. dataset = parent_group.create_dataset( str(key), data='None', compression=compression) elif isinstance(value, (list, np.ndarray, tuple)): if np.array(value) == 'object': # We store 2d arrays with unequal dimensions by reducing # it to a 1d array and additionally storing the original shape. # This does not work for more than two dimensions. if len(np.shape(value)) > 1: raise ValueError("Dataset {key} has an unsupported " "format.".format(key=os.path.join(, key))) else: oldshape = np.array([len(x) for x in value]) value_types = lib.convert_iterable_to_numpy_array([type(x).__name__ for x in value]) data_reshaped = np.hstack(value) dataset = parent_group.create_dataset( str(key), data=data_reshaped, compression=compression) dataset.attrs['oldshape'] = oldshape dataset.attrs['custom_shape'] = True dataset.attrs['custom_value_types'] = value_types elif quantities_found and isinstance(value, pq.Quantity): dataset = parent_group.create_dataset(str(key), data=value) dataset.attrs['_unit'] = value.dimensionality.string else: dataset = parent_group.create_dataset( str(key), data=lib.convert_iterable_to_numpy_array(value), compression=compression) # ignore compression argument for scalar datasets elif not isinstance(value, collections.Iterable): dataset = parent_group.create_dataset(str(key), data=value) else: dataset = parent_group.create_dataset( str(key), data=value, compression=compression) # explicitly store type of key and value dataset.attrs['_key_type'] = type(key).__name__ dataset.attrs['_value_type'] = type(value).__name__ def _dict_from_h5(f, lazy=False): """ Recursively loads the dictionary from the hdf5 file f. Converts all datasets to numpy types. """ name = _evaluate_key(f) if h5py.h5i.get_type( == 5: # check if f is a dataset return name, _load_dataset(f, lazy) else: d = {} for obj in f.values(): sub_name, sub_d = _dict_from_h5(obj, lazy=lazy) d[sub_name] = sub_d return name, d def _load_dataset(f, lazy=False): """ Loads the dataset of group f and returns its name and value. If lazy is True, it returns None as value. """ if lazy: return None else: try: value_type = f.attrs['_value_type'] except KeyError: raise KeyError("No value type stored. This file has " "probably been created with a previous release version. " "Please use the conversion script to convert your " "file.") if isinstance(value_type, bytes): value_type = str(value_type, 'utf-8') if value_type == 'NoneType': return None else: if (len(f.attrs.keys()) > 0 and 'custom_shape' in f.attrs): return _load_custom_shape(f) elif '_unit' in f.attrs: return _cast_value_type(f.value, value_type, unit=f.attrs['_unit']) else: return _cast_value_type(f.value, value_type) def _evaluate_key(f): """ Evaluate the key of f and handle non-string data types. """ name = os.path.basename( # to return only name of this level if '_key_type' in f.attrs: key_type = f.attrs['_key_type'] if isinstance(key_type, bytes): key_type = str(key_type, 'utf-8') if key_type not in ['str', 'unicode', 'string_']: name = ast.literal_eval(name) return name def _load_custom_shape(f): """ Reshape array with unequal dimensions into original shape. """ data_reshaped = [] value = f.value custom_value_types = f.attrs['custom_value_types'].astype(np.unicode_) for (j, i), value_type in zip(lib.accumulate(f.attrs['oldshape']), custom_value_types): cast_value = _cast_value_type(value[j:j + i], value_type) data_reshaped.append(cast_value) return eval(valuetype_dict[value_type])(data_reshaped) def _cast_value_type(value, value_type, unit=None): """ Casts value into the correct type defined in attrs. """ if value_type in valuetype_dict: if unit: if quantities_found: value = eval(valuetype_dict[value_type])(value, unit) else: raise ImportError("Could not find quantities package, " "please install the package and " "reload the wrapper.") else: if value_type in ['list', 'tuple']: if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.dtype.kind == 'S': value = value.astype(np.unicode_) # ensures that all dimensions of the array are converted to the correct value type value = _array_to_type(value, value_type) else: if hasattr(value, 'decode'): value = value.decode() value = eval(valuetype_dict[value_type])(value) if isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.dtype.kind == 'S': value = value.astype(np.unicode_) return value else: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported data type: " "{value_type}.".format(value_type=value_type)) def _array_to_type(value, value_type): """ Casts members of arrays to the specified type recursively. """ if len(value) > 0 and isinstance(value[0], np.ndarray): return eval(valuetype_dict[value_type])(_array_to_type(i, value_type) for i in value) else: return eval(valuetype_dict[value_type])(value) # Look-up table with supported datatypes valuetype_dict = {'tuple': 'tuple', 'ndarray': 'np.array', 'list': 'list', 'float': 'float', 'int': 'int', 'str': 'str', 'bool': 'bool', 'Quantity': 'pq.Quantity', 'int64': 'np.int64', 'float64': 'np.float64', 'complex128': 'np.complex128'}